Woodhill Sands Derby weekend - SAVE THE DATE!
Come along to the Woodhill Sands Derby over the weekend of th 26th & 27th of April - mark the date in your calendars now!
This is a great event where the course will include a variety of natural fences. Classes to suit all riders; grassroots, eventers, show jumpers, hunt riders and show hunters. We have a range of heights in our classes so the full range is covered.
The Derby will consist of up to 15 fences with a mix of Show Jumping and derby fences with hunter style and SJ Derby classes.
This will be a fun, relaxed and supportive day where you can get out and give it a go.
Details about the show can be viewed here and the schedule will be shared and available on Evo Events once it is finalised.
Entries can be made via Evo Events. Payment should be made via Poli or Stripe (credit card) at the time of making your on line entries.