GJ Gardner Homes Winter 2021 Show Jumping Series Accumulator
Categories for the 2021 Winter Show Jumping Series, kindly supported by GJ Gardner Homes
Best Performed Show Jumping Hack and Best Performed Show Jumping Pony
Points awarded:
1st = 6
2nd = 4
3rd = 3
4th = 2
5th = 1
Award for Best Show Jumper - Horse must have competed at least 2 of the 4 days. Points awarded on placings. If less than five in a class, points will only be awarded for rounds without faults (time or jump penalties).
Hack in classes 1,2,3,4,5,6 &7
Pony in classes 8,9,10, 11 & 12
The winner is to receive a Cover, Rosette and Prize. 2nd and 3rd to receive Rosette and Prize.
Grass Roots Accumulator Award in classes 13,14,1,16, 17, 18, 19, 20,21
Special Winter Sash awarded to riders who accumulator 4 clear rounds over the series.
Horse Mighty Metre
Rider cannot have placed over 1.20m August 2020 to August 221 - Cover for the winner. Points accumulated throughout the series - rider must have competed in at least 2 dates. 1st = 6, 2nd = 4, 3rd = 3, 4th = 2, 5th = 1
Pony Junior Rider
Rider to be 17 or under cannot have placed over 1.10m August 2020 to August 2021 - Cover for the winner. Points accumulated throughout the series - rider must have competed in at least 2 dates. 1st = 6, 2nd = 4, 3rd = 3, 4th = 2, 5th = 1
Masters Rider
Rider over 40yrs, not competing over 1m August 2020 to August 2021 - Cover for the winner. Points accumulated throughout the series - rider must have competed in at least 2 dates. 1st = 6, 2nd = 4, 3rd = 3, 4th = 2, 5th = 1
Winners for the GJ Gardner Homes Winter Show Jumping Series can be viewed here.