Woodhill Sands Winter Show Jumping Series kindly sponsored by GJ Gardner Homes - Day #4 FINAL
Sunday the 27th of July is the fourth and FINAL day of the Woodhill Sands Winter Show Jumping Series kindly sponsored by GJ Gardner Homes.
Details about the schedule for the day is available here.
These are great winter days. Run in 2 sand arena's, we will have heights from 75cm for hacks up to 1.30 and from 60cm for ponies up to 1.15. Come along for a fun day of jumping in a relaxed and supportive environment.
We are also running our Winter Series Acccumulator Awards - Winner to receive a rug and rosette with 2nd to 4th getting a rosette and prizes. Accumulator awards for Best SJ horse, Best SJ pony and Junior Rider. Details are can be viewed here and Winners will be presented at this Winter Series final day.
Entries will be via Evo Events . We now offer payment via Poli or Stripe (credit card) for on-line entries. This is our preferred method of payment for your entries and will secure your spot at the time of entry.