Veterinary Associations Overall Winter 2021 Series Accumulator Awards
Categories for the 2021 Winter Overall Series Awards, kindly supported by Veterinary Associates
Winter Series Hi Points Pony & Hack
Points awarded to any horse and pony with points on a discipline leader board (top 20). Points are awarded to 20pts for 1st through to 1pt for 20th. Horse must have points on two disciplines leader boards to qualify. The Hack or Pony may have different riders.
Winners of these awards will receive a Cover and Rosette.
Winners for the Veterinary Associates Hi Points Pony & Hack can be viewed here.

Winter Series Best Performed Mare
Sash to the best performed mare in each discipline; Show Jumping, Show Hunter; Dressage; Derby & Eventing (Mini ODE).
Winners for the Veterinary Associates Best Performed Mare can be viewed here.