Categories for the 2022 Winter Derby Series, kindly sponsored by GJ Gardner Homes
Best Performed Hack and Best Performed Pony - Long Course
Best Hack Long Course taken from Day 1 classes 1 to 6 and Day 2 & 3 classes 9 to 11
Best Pony Long Course taken from Day 1 classes 1 to 7 and Day 2 & 3 classes 3 to 5
Points awarded:
1st = 6
2nd = 4
3rd = 3
4th = 2
5th = 1
Combination for Horse and Rider, combination must compete at 2 or more winter Derby Days and the best 2 rounds per day count.
Best Performed Hack and Best Performed Pony - Short Course
Best Hack Short Course taken from Day 1 classes 15 to 17 and Day 2 & 3 classes 6 and 7
Best Pony Short Course taken from Day 1 classes 9 to 14 and Day 2 & 3 classes 1 & 2
Points awarded:
1st = 6
2nd = 4
3rd = 3
4th = 2
5th = 1
Combination for Horse and Rider, combination must compete at 2 or more winter Derby Days and the best 2 rounds per day count.
The winner is to receive a Cover, Rosette and Prize. 2nd to 4th to receive a Rosette and Prize.
Winners for the GJ Gardner Homes Winter Derby Series can be viewed here.