Categories for the 2022 Winter Grass Roots SJ & Dressage Series, kindly supported by Alltech NZ Ltd
Grass Roots Winter Champion Pony Rider 12yrs and Under
Grass Roots Winter Champion Pony Rider 13yrs and Over
Grass Roots Winter Champion Hack Rider 40yrs and Under
Grass Roots Winter Champion Hack Rider over 40yrs
Points will be awarded Dressage Classes 1st to 6th (10,8,6,4,2,1) Best 2 scores from each day. Jumping Classes (A1) with 10pts for a clear round (results from 2 highest rounds per day).
Riders must compete in at least two days of the series and must complete 2 dressage tests and 2 jumping rounds to qualify for hth accumulator throughout the series.
The Winner in each division will recieve a Cover, Rosette and Prize, those placing 2nd to 4th in each division will get a Rosette and Prize.
Winners for the Alltech Mini Grass Roots SJ & Dressage Winter Series can be viewed here.